Senior Three’s School Opening Conference
In order to clarify the work direction of the new school year of Senior Three, gather the strength of the teachers’ team, and solidly promote the preparatory work before the beginning of the new academic year, on the morning of 23rd August, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Senior High School Division held a term beginning work conference on the first floor of the administrative building of the east campus for all teachers in charge of the 12th grade in 2025, which was attended by Vice Principal Liu Bing, Assistant Principal Xu Zuitai, Deputy Directors Xu Haihong, Jiang Shengyou, Zhu Yanyan as well as all teachers from Senior Three.
In the first place, Director Jiang Shengyou analyzed the current problems and shortcomings of Senior Three. Afterwards, the improvement and promotion measures were put forward and the teaching management of the new semester was deployed in details. In the meantime, Director Jiang Shengyou put forward six requirements for the lesson preparation group, head teachers and subject teachers so that they would concretely implement these measures. 
In the second place, Director Xu Haihong delivered a keynote speech in which he pointed out that the team of Senior Three teachers should implement the following six aspects of work: firstly, we should be strict with students and accompany them with warmth. Besides, teachers should manage students’ morning reading session and evening self-study well. Secondly, teachers should strictly implement the job requirements. Thirdly, we should work together for common development. Fourthly, teachers are supposed to offer more psychological counseling to students. Fifthly, we should work hard and commit ourselves to our work. Last but not the least, we should lead senior three students to quickly enter the state of Senior Three so that they would strive hard.
In the third place, Assistant Principal Xu Zuitai delivered a keynote speech in which he had six expectations for the teachers present. Initially, Assistant Principal Xu Zuitai took everyone through the gaokao scores of the classes of 2024, pointing out that the number of students reaching the threshold of key universities has increased. Meanwhile, it’s hoped that Senior Three teachers would seize the momentum this year. Furthermore, Assistant Principal Xu Zuitai pointed out that Senior Three teachers should promote the spirit of dedication, prepare for the 2025 College Entrance Examination wholeheartedly, care for students and guide them patiently. More noticeably, it’s firmly believed that we will have a greater breakthrough in the 2025 College Entrance Exam.
At the end of the conference, Vice Principal Liu Bing made a concluding speech in which he pointed out that young teachers should work hard to accumulate experience in their work, enrich themselves and boost their value, thinking about what kind of teachers they should be from the perspectives of home and school. 
In conclusion, this conference is not only a summary conference, but also an invigorating preparation conference. More remarkably, it’s firmly believed that the teachers’ team of Senior Three in 2025 shall achieve new breakthroughs and fight for the 2025 College Entrance Examination!